In the 18 years since the Colorado Freedom Memorial was first imagined thousands of hours have been spent by our volunteers researching records for names that should have been included on killed in action lists but were missing. For a variety of reasons, including human error, damaged records and simple omissions, nearly 400 of the names we now honor on the Memorial had been lost to history. We’re confident we know most of the fallen who have given their lives in action since we became a state, but are still determined to learn more about who they were.
It doesn’t seem right that for almost half of the over 6000 we honor we have no information on where they died or where they now rest. And even worse, for that same number we know nothing but name, rank and serial number as the old adage goes. How could we let the treasure of our state leave to serve, sacrifice their loves for our freedom, and we have no story to tell of their lives. We’re better than this Colorado and we need your help.
#TellUsTheirStories is our campaign to gather as much information as we can about the men and women who answered their countries call and didn’t return. If someone in your family from Colorado has given their life in service please visit our database and make sure we know who they were. A simple form will allow you to share information and a photo that we can add to their bio insuring future generations will know of the heroes whose sacrifice paid for their freedom. We can’t bring them back, but we can make sure they are never forgotten. #TellUsTheirStories.