CFM Partners

Thank you to all of the donors, volunteers and partners who have made the Colorado Freedom Memorial possible!

Major Donors

$50,000 and Above

2G Associates
Anschutz Family Foundation
City of Aurora
Furniture Row Racing
Lockheed Martin
Monfort Family Foundation

$25,000 - $49,999

Visit Aurora
Wes and Penny Weaver

$10,000 - $24,999

Dry Dock Brewing Company
Jan and Wendell Bell
Knights of Columbus, Colorado

$5,000 - $9,999

Aurora Economic Development Council
Fitzsimons Redevelopment Authority
Jim Blane
Paula Sarlls
Rocky Mountain Marines
Susan Davies
Federal Protection Agency
Aurora Chamber of Commerce
  • $50,000 and Above

    2G Associates
    Anschutz Family Foundation
    City of Aurora
    Furniture Row Racing
    Lockheed Martin
    Monfort Family Foundation

  • $25,000 - $49,999

    Visit Aurora
    Wes and Penny Weaver

  • $10,000 - $24,999

    Dry Dock Brewing Company
    Jan and Wendell Bell
    Knights of Columbus, Colorado

  • $5,000 - $9,999

    Aurora Economic Development Council
    Fitzsimons Redevelopment Authority
    Jim Blane
    Paula Sarlls
    Rocky Mountain Marines
    Susan Davies
    Federal Protection Agency
    Aurora Chamber of Commerce

Photographery Contributors

Craig Patterson
Photographer and writer of “Colorado Monuments by Night”
Cheryl Edwards, Honan & McConaty
Jessica Gronewold
Leah Mondy

Sustaining Sponsors

A very special thank you to Anchor Engineering, the Specialty Engineer and Engineer of Record (EOR) on the project, and Kristoffer Kenton for his work in designing the memorial that has become and important place of reflection and remembrance for those who have lost loved ones.