Because they are such a prominent part of the Colorado Freedom Memorial site, one of the most asked questions is, “Why are the flags at half-staff?” Here’s the answer:
While the Memorial was being constructed in 2013 we consulted often with the Colorado State Board of Veteran Affairs and the Chief of Military Protocol about our plans so we were sure to be doing everything with proper respect. The subject of our flag display came up in one of those meetings and the idea of permanently displaying the flags at half-staff as a symbol of honor for our fallen.
After reviewing the U.S. Flag Code it was determined there is nothing that prohibits this display and each site is free to make its own decision. Then we discussed how about half of the men and women who are honored on the Memorial’s glass panels never returned to Colorado. They were lost at sea, shot down from the sky or buried in American cemeteries. For generations these families have had no place here at home to grieve their loss, until the names came home on the Colorado Freedom Memorial. For those families this site then became more than a Memorial, it became a cemetery, a place they could be with their fallen hero again.
It became clear to us that the flags at half-staff was a necessary display of respect and a tribute to their sacrifice. Since the Memorial’s dedication in May 2013 we have been told by countless family members of the fallen just how touched they are by this display.
Because of the windy conditions at the Memorial, the Foundation spends $500-$800 each month on repair and replacement of the flags that are displayed there. If you are interested in contributing to the monthly flag maintenance fund you can make a contribution by clicking here. Thank you!