About the Memorial

Description of the Project

Panel Material Glass
Base Material Granite
Width 95 ft
Height 12 ft
# of Names Approx 6,000

This is the first memorial in America dedicated to ALL wars, ALL branches of service and containing the names of all those who died from a single state in those wars.

The Colorado Freedom Memorial is located in Aurora, Colorado near Buckley Air Force Base.  Constructed of glass panels that reflect Colorado’s mountains and blue skies the Memorial holds the names of over 6,000 Coloradans killed or missing in action. They are grouped by war, but names will not be alphabetically listed. Much of the Colorado Freedom Memorial is meant to reflect the chaos of war, including the shuffling of names.

These heroes left the mountains of home to fight in places they’d never heard of, answering their nation’s call to duty. Over half of the men and women honored on the Memorial never returned home, their remains lost at sea, never recovered behind enemy lines, or buried in far away places. For families that never had a cemetery to visit, the Colorado Freedom Memorial becomes a place of grief and of healing.

In the 5 years since this monument was dedicated, thousands have come to visit, to shed tears, to reminisce, to pay tribute, to just sit and remember. Ceremonies have been held here, motorcycle rides have stopped here, Memorial services have been held here and respect has been paid here. The Colorado Freedom Memorial touches each visitor in a special way.

We welcome your visit! If you have any questions, please feel free to contact us. Thank you for your support and we hope to see you at the Colorado Freedom Memorial soon!

Interesting facts and history of America’s most unique military tribute

  • Did You Know?

    The memorials glass panels lean forward and back, representative of men falling in action.

  • Did You Know?

    A trough of water runs in front of the memorial, representative of the oceans that separate Colorado from the fields of battle.

  • Did You Know?

    Faith Hinkley of Monte Vista is the only uniformed female listed on the wall.

  • Did You Know?

    19 Medal of Honor recipients are among the honorees on the Memorial.

  • Did You Know?

    23 honorees were killed aboard the USS Arizona, including brothers Edmon and Homer Jones from Montrose.

  • Did You Know?

    11 veterans from Colorado were killed on D Day at Omaha Beach.

The Colorado Freedom Memorial Flag Walkway

Along the Flag Walkway you’ll find all of the military service flags, including the Merchant Marine flag and two Colorado historical flags. Displayed are flags representing 10th Mountain Division, the Army’s first winter warfare division and The Colorado National Guard’s 157th Infantry Regiment who fought in World War II, participating in the invasion of Italy and southern France, and liberating the Dachau concentration camp in Germany.